SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of April 2015

No matter what Google does, there are always good names associated. We have penguins and pandas rampaging through the web and if that wasn’t enough, now we have “mobilegeddon.” And for good reason. Have you looked around these days? Everyone is doing everything on their mobile phones. Marketing content? Expect it will be read on a smart phone. Sending tweets? Same thing. Google is just embracing the obvious. So with that being said, check out the articles we thought were the most relevant from April. And let’s be honest, it’s probably going to happen on your phone. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


How to Improve Your SEO With LinkedIn and SlideShare

Do you use LinkedIn or SlideShare for your business? Did you know you can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) with these channels? With a few simple techniques, you can optimize your LinkedIn and SlideShare assets to achieve higher search rankings organically.

How Voice Search and Google ‘Direct Answers’ are Changing SEO

The art and science of search engine optimization (SEO) changed dramatically in recent years, thanks in no small part to big Google algorithm tweaks, including the recent mobile friendly update.

How to Keep your Site Fast for Mobile-Friendly

Cindy Krum recently published a must-read primer on the upcoming Mobile-Friendly changes which I highly recommend checking out before proceeding. Got it? Good. With the mad rush to optimize mobile sites prior to April 21st, it can be very easy to sacrifice performance in the process.

The Future Of Search Engines Is Context

As mobile continues to grow, as more smartphones are bought, and as more apps are developed, we have also seen the growth of businesses like “app store optimization” and other services around optimizing for mobile.

The Real Reasons Social Media Affects Your Company’s SEO

While social media efforts do affect your search rankings, it’s probably not in the way you think. Google doesn’t directly factor social influence and interactions into the ranking algorithm, but that is no reason to ignore social channels or slow down your social marketing efforts.

The State of Search Marketing 2015

In spite of current trends surrounding content, advertising, and social media, search marketing remains a priority for several brands, businesses and industries. But how exactly can you achieve search engine prosperity and what can be done to improve your ranking?

7 Essential Tasks and the Tools Needed for Beginning an SEO Initiative

On many occasions I find myself meeting, even still to this day, those who state, “We knew we needed SEO, we just didn’t know how to get started.” One of the most important points in a successful organic search campaign is the launching of the initiative itself. It is actually one of my favorite milestones as well.

Content Marketing

6 Content Tips for Adapting to the Post-Mobilegeddon World

The official date of Mobilegeddon has come and gone, but the impact of mobile-friendliness for search marketers will still be felt. In this new world order, sites with large, zoom-free readability and buttons, fast load times, and optimized screen resolution will all be table stakes.

What’s the Difference Between a Professional Writer and a Content Marketer?

I’ve been a writer for a long, long time. I’ve written something every day for around 30 years now. (Okay, I took about a week off when I had a C-section.) I’ve been a content marketer since 2004, even though we didn’t call it that back then.

Improve Your Content Marketing to Increase Your Business’s Reach

Today, businesses are becoming increasingly savvy about how to create better content for their websites and social channels. And that trend is making it more and more difficult to stand out online. Clearly, there’s a lot of great content out there vying for your potential customers’ attention, whatever your industry niche.

22 Free Content Marketing Tools To Drive Your Content Marketing Plans

One of the content marketing questions I get asked most often is how a small business or even a large business can get started with content marketing with very little or no funding.

The ROI of Content Marketing

Lots of businesses get into content marketing because it is the “in” thing to do online. You can ask those businesses what their goals are, and you will get answers like exposure, social shares, links, leads, and sales.

Social Media

What The Unofficial Death Of Google+ Means For Marketing

Google’s Bradley Horowitz announced on Google+ last month that the platform will be split into two new services: Streams and Photos. “Photos” are self-explanatory, and “Streams” are going to cover just about everything else.

Social Network Attention Analysis

The data below is an analysis of 25 verticals looking at the most prominent social network within each based on shares, we analysed 366,596 posts and 130,279,586 total shares. This gives an indication into where people’s attention is within each vertical, as well as highlighting the top publishers and articles within each vertical.

Social ROI: How to Measure the Value of Social Media

The volume and real-time nature of social media metrics, as well as the multitude of analytics tools available, is overwhelming and can make social media simultaneously the most measurable channel and the one that is most difficult to measure.

The World’s 21 Most Important Social Media Sites and Apps in 2015

The concepts behind “social networking” aren’t anything new – ever since there have been humans, we have been looking for ways to connect, network, and promote with one another – but they’ve taken on an entirely new meaning (and momentum) in the digital age. Where we used to have handshakes, word-of-mouth referrals, and stamped letters, today’s relationships are often begun and developed on LinkedIn, Google +, and Facebook.

At The Mercy of Facebook’s Algorithm? Don’t Hate The Player, Change The Game

Surprise! Facebook announced another round of updates to its News Feed algorithm last week. This time the social media giant is setting its sights on promoting content from friends over posts from brands and publishers.
This month we’ll end the roundup with a valuable SlideShare from Moz CEO Rand Fishkin.

Image Credit: Flick User/Street matt

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