The Best SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing from September

Here’s one tip about SEO, content marketing, and social media. None of it matters if you don’t have a quality product and great customer service. If you have those elements in place, the combination of SEO, content marketing, and social can take your business to new heights. With that in mind, each month we share a variety of articles that provide insight and tips to help realize your business’s potential. But don’t forget to focus on your product and your service. With that in mind, here are the rest of the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from September. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


7 Essential SEO Tips for Developers

Search engine visibility is the number one priority for most online businesses, but thriving in these competitive spaces can be a huge challenge. This is often compounded by a lack of collaboration between teams, which is a recipe for disaster!

How Removing Old Website Content Can Improve Your Traffic

Ever think about Google Panda? It feels a little “old hat” to talk about it, since it’s now nearly five years old. But this service, which ruthlessly searches the Internet for pages that don’t meet its quality standards — and penalizes sites with substandard content, is still worth addressing.

How to Prepare Now for SEO in 2016

Whether you like it or not, people still search online for what they want–and increasingly, they do it from their phones. Do you want them to find your business, or your competitors, when they do those searches?

Is Google Playing Fair in Search?

You may have heard about the value of links to improving your rankings, but have you heard of Google penalties such as Panda and Penguin? If you have a website for your business it is more important than ever to understand how search engines work so you can improve your online visibility and, just as importantly, avoid being penalised for breaking Google’s webmaster guidelines.

How To SEO Audit Your Website In 15 Minutes Or Less

The little things are important in SEO. But so are the big things. And sometimes we can spend so much time sweating the small stuff, that we completely fail to see the 800 pound gorilla that’s stomping all over our google rankings.

The Current Status of Google’s Penguin Algorithm

I get a lot of emails saying things like this: “We were hit by Google’s Penguin algorithm. We did a thorough link cleanup six months ago and NOTHING has changed.” An incredible number of small businesses have been decimated by Penguin. They’re trying to recover but are not succeeding.

How to Compete With a Billion-Dollar Business on Google

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” If you are determined to create a killer search-engine-optimization strategy, take Mark Twain’s quote to heart.

Content Marketing

21 Content Marketing Tools for Effective Marketers

Regardless of your company size, it’s a challenge to find the time to manage all your content marketing efforts. Content creation, distribution and promotion via different channels all take time as does the management of social media engagement and measuring outreach efforts and effectiveness.

Why Meaning Will Ultimately Determine Your Brand’s Content Marketing Success

In 2009 Fletcher Cleaves was a top high school football prospect ready for the next level, eager to do in college what he’d done in high school: rack up yards as a running back. But before Cleaves could realize his dream of playing at the next level, a texting, distracted driver plowed into the car he was driving, forever changing his life’s trajectory.

How To Maximize Your Content Marketing Strategy With Search Engines

The panda is watching. When it comes to a Google search – a whole lot of factors play a part in where you turn up. But thanks to the 2011 Panda Updates these factors no longer include low-quality, ‘thin’ website content that is stuffed with keywords. If your website is seen as “high-quality” in Google’s eyes, these Panda updates will reward your website with ranking boosts, and more importantly – traffic boosts.

From HBR to Mashable: How to Be a Guest Writer on 11 Popular Sites

Guest blogging is a wonderful and mutually beneficial relationship between writer and publication. It’s great for the writer, of course, who might be looking to get her name out there as a thought leader and industry expert while also helping grow her own readership.

How to Build Links Using Data-Driven Content & Blogger Outreach

For digital marketers, content marketing and link building are vital for each and every one of our campaigns. Some of the challenges we face during these campaigns are getting links to our content, developing content that people want to share, or simply finding the time to build links to our content.

Social Media

Is Paid Social Media Amplification Worth it for Your Business?

If “content marketing” was the promotional trend of 2014, paid social amplification is all the rage in 2015. But, as with any practice-turned-buzzword, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions around what exactly “social amplification” is. Is it just a fancy way of saying “paid advertising on social media”, or something more?

How to Use Social Media Insights to Improve Your Marketing

Are you marketing on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest? Do you know which type of posts your followers prefer? Social media analytics let you see who your followers are and what they like.

Seven Ways to Ensure Fans Don’t Miss Your Facebook Page Updates

Are you tired of reaching less than 5% of your fans with your Facebook Page posts? If so, you need to find new ways to get your updates in your audience’s News Feeds. Here are some ways you can make sure fans don’t miss your Facebook Page updates.

7 Steps for Using Periscope to Better Engage Your Target Audience

One of the most important jobs we have as marketers is to find a way to be the best answer for our customers, when and where they are looking. With so many new platforms to test on a consistent basis, it can be hard to move through the clutter and find ways to connect that will better engage your target audience.

Wondering what services we provide at ASEOHosting? Check out our company introduction video.

Image Credit: Flick User/steffenz

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