Category Archives: Marketing

What You Need to Know About Marketing Your Business During (And After) COVID-19

No one could have predicted this.

In just a few short months, the coronavirus has changed society. Distributed work and delivery services have never been more important, and all over the world, people struggle to cope with an uncertain future, one marked by isolation, unstable finances, and a spreading pandemic. Businesses have either suspended their marketing or pivoted hard. 

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Why You Should Never, EVER Spin Content

As you already know, content is king.

All things being equal, a business with a steady stream of fresh content will inevitably outperform a business that generates no content at all.  Through blog posts, videos, and other materials, you can provide value to your audience beyond your core products and services. You can generate engagement, bring in more traffic to your site, and ultimately help to build a community around your brand.

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